
Three Copywriting Secrets to Influence People

By Ora Santana

Most new copywriters are plagued by non converting copy even though they think they are doing everything right--it is their major worry. If you are writing your own copy, here are some things to remember. This article will give you the tips you need to better understand copywriting.

Your sales copy has to be enticing and at the same time involving. Your copy should have an almost hypnotic effect on your prospect so that they are captured by it for a time. The only way to do this is to achieve a certain flow with your writing. This is one of the first things you have to learn as a copywriter. Your copy should have a natural flow from start to finish. You have to keep your focus on what you're saying and carefully go from one benefit to another; one paragraph to another. It's important to stay on topic and not break your flow. The stronger the flow is, the more interested your prospect will become about your product. Telling stories is one of the best ways to accomplish this. Show the prospect that you've been in the same position as them and tell them how exactly you reached to a solution. You have to put yourself in their shoes and then gain their trust by convincing them that the product is actually a result of circumstances that helped you create it. This is how you connect with your potential customers by telling a story that is close to their own situation. This kind of story is how you create a flow that will draw your audience in and make them open to your offer.

If you want your copywriting to be effective, another point you have to remember is to make everything straightforward and understandable. If you start talking about too many different aspects of something, it can confuse people. The focus of your copy should be on explaining the benefits of your product to the prospect. Your sales letters will be more effective if you write them as though they were addressed to a single person rather than a large group. In other words, use "you" rather than "they." It's important that the person reading your copy feels like you are talking to him/her. It should be a one to one talk, rather than you talking to a group of people. What is the purpose of this? To begin with, it makes each reader feel like you are talking to them personally. It's also how you develop a more personal touch to your marketing efforts. It's the start of building a relationship and gaining trust. When your copy gives your prospect the feeling that he/she can relate to you, they will feel more comfortable buying from you.

If you feel that a long sales copy is not your cup of tea, you can have a short version of it too. Remember that short copy won't perform as well as long copy though. Rather than choose between them, choose both. Offer both versions on your site to give visitors an option to read the one they prefer. You'll still need to impart sufficient vital information within your copy that will entice your prospect to take action. Don't create too much hype, but maintain a balance between the information you're giving away about the product and the info that you shouldn't divulge.

In conclusion, remember to apply the tips we discussed above when writing your own copy, because that's how you will improve your skill, slow and steady.

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