
Three Easy Steps

By Robert Baker

For those of us that have a cat, we know how clean these creatures like to be. They use a litter box naturally as long as everything they need is in place. Sometimes we run into cats that have issues with eliminating in a litter box. As much as we are all told to think outside the box, this is not an area we want to encourage those thoughts. Usually when this happens it is because we, (humans), have not read the cats signals and given them what they needed. Cats are taught by litter mates and mom to use a litter box as early as 3 weeks. There are several things pet parents can do to add in the usages of the litter box. The general elements include the litter box, the litter, the placement of the litter box and maintenance.

The litter box: Different cats have different preferences but you want to make it easy for kitty to use the box. For older cats or kittens a box with lower sides will help them enter and exit. Many people prefer covered boxes because it helps with odors; however you need to see what your fur companion prefers. For the multiple cat household the rule of thumb is one litter box per cat plus and extra one. However, this is not always the case. Male cats may stand upright and their urine sprays high. Using a high back box can keep the urine in the box instead of dribbling on the floor.

The litter: Research has proven that although we tend to choose litters with deodorizer and perfumes, cats do not like to have any odor associated with this box. Using an unscented litter will encourage your cat to eliminate appropriately. Scoopable litter is the way to go. It is easy for you and cats like it fine. The litter can be made of corn, clay or wheat. Using the litter that your cat was trained with will be the best way to ensure he uses the box. However, if you are determined to switch do so slowly and mix litters until they get use to the new one.

Location, Location, Location: The location of your litter box not only needs to suit you, but your cat needs to be comfortable in the area as well. Some quick tips are; avoid noisy areas, high traffic areas and do not place the box near food or water. Placing the litter box is a quiet area of the house will encourage him/her to relax there. If you are adding a cat to your house it is best to create a separate litter box area for that cat or quickly introduce them to the location of your current litter box. However, your cat's litter box may feel off limits to the new cat. Make sure to observe each one's behavior.

Maintenance: Clean, clean, scoop, scoop. Do this as many times per day as your cat uses the litter box. Cats deplore dirty litter boxes and a clean one encourages them to use it. Most people scoop prior to leaving for work and just before going to bed.

Don't be discouraged by this article. There are many choices here and you need to think like your cat. Watch your cat(s) and see their reactions and preferences. Soon you will have a happy cat, happy you and be odor free!

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