
Is Short Term Disability Insurance Worth The Added Expense?

By Steacy P. Sanchez

When an employee has to take a time off of work, short term disability insurance is offered so that he or she does not have to lose any wages during that time. This insurance will cover living expenses and pay for lost time at work while a worker is at home. Workers can focus on getting better and taking care of personal business without having to worry about financial needs.

This benefit is not integrated with medical or other disability insurances, and will be offered apart from those. The price for this kind of insurance will differ depending on the person and the insurance company, and it will need to be purchased separately. There is an elimination period that has to pass and a person has to make payments on his or her monthly premiums before being able to file a claim. This means that a worker can't buy the short term disability insurance right before they need it. They will have to purchase it beforehand so that it will be available for them when they need it. It is designed to provide a part of the worker's wages while they are out of work. In many instances this will be up to 2/3 of their income, and normally has a limit of $5,000.

Short term disability insurance can be used for something such as an illness that will put a worker out of work for a week. Many employers will offer a certain amount of paid sick days which a person can use when they are ill for a few days. If they are hit with something that lasts longer than that, then they can file a claim and not stress about lost wages during the time they are getting better. The elimination period for an illness can be as little as 7 days in many instances.

This insurance is very useful for people who are undergoing infertility treatment. Many employers will not cover this type of treatment which is often risky and can result in more time off needed for work to care for the pregnancy and recover from the childbirth. The short term disability insurance will help those who need some extra time off after the delivery. While many will not, there are some employers and health insurance companies that will offer infertility insurance to their workers for an added price. This insurance will help to cover the expenses of conception, extra monitoring during the pregnancy (which is often high-risk), and care for infants who need extra attention after birth.

Most health insurance companies and employers will also not make maternity health insurance available to workers. Health insurance companies often lose money with maternity health insurance which can make the rates very high. With the average lowest price of a pregnancy ranging around $7,000, having maternity health insurance for a growing family can be extremely useful. Insurance helps because it covers at least some of the cost of prenatal care and the most costly part " delivery. Short term disability insurance can assist financially when a parent needs to take off for maternity leave since many employers will grant the time off but not pay for it.

There are many choices in terms of short term disability insurance available for employees to protect themselves from unplanned and planned time off of work. Many different plans and options to help financially are available whether they are out for an injury or sickness, or if they need extra time after the birth of a child.

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