
Wow Gold Guide Review

By Taly Kent

Reaching the gold cap is many world of warcraft dreams, and many scam guides take advantage of that by promising you to get you to the gold cap in a week. The real guides are done that usually work on day to day gold profit. In this review, I will share my opinion on those guides.

New things, new changes that's why I play the world of warcraft.

If the game changes so much what does it mean about you? What kind of guide do you need? You will need something simple to use, and that updates a lot and my personal benefit no more then 20-30 minutes of working on making gold per day as I don't get a lot of time to play because of my work, and I want to dive into the mist of pandaria.

There were two guides, I found interesting one was zygor profession's guide, and one was Hayden Hawke gold guide.

Making money with professions is a think I know about from a long time, and I didn't want another guide who will just tell me to max out mining and blacksmithing make items and sell them and then your rich. I got those things and yet I'm not rich. I wanted something revolving around the auction house.

20 minutes a day was what the Hayden H gold guide promised, and that's why I decided to go with Hayden's guide.

I got the Hayden Hawke gold guide and boy was overwhelmed after four days of reading I started moving on the gold table slowly but steadily. At the beginning, I started to make 100 or 200 gold per my 20 minutes but as I got my hold on a market in the auction house, I could stop farming and start cashing on the auction house itself using some add ons Hayden showed me.

I moved from a few hundred gold per day to 3k gold a day, and all I did was spend 20 minutes each day setting up add ons.

The Hayden Hawke gold guide is super easy to use, and I really liked that fact in addition to that I couldn't get enough of the member's area with its constant updates.

What I didn't like about the Hayden Hawke gold guide was the simple fact freaking long 200 pages of information and methods it was a bit to much for me. I found that I only needed to read the first 60 pages, and that was more than enough methods for me to get my gold groove on, but if you like more gold, I guess you can go ahead and read the entire guide.

So to summarize everything if you're looking for a good gold guide Hayden's guide can really work for you if you can read those pages.

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