
What You Need To Know About the Disability Application

By Oleg Winter-Burnett

Unfortunately it is a sad truth that there may come a time in your life when something terrible takes place and you are left in a situation where you are unable to financially take care of yourself or your loved ones. If this happens it can seem like things such as the disability application are more than you can handle. You need to have a good understanding before going into the process that there are a few things that you need to have, and there are others that you are simply entitled to.

If there is one piece of advice that most people who have already been through the experience it would be to file just as soon as the event takes place. For some reason people think that they are not allowed to file for a certain amount of time but this is far from the truth. This really only makes things take longer. As it is things can last for as long as five months before they process the medical records and the application.

One of the main things that your case worker will want to see is your social security number and a birth certificate. Beyond this it is also important that you get the contacts for anyone who witnessed anything or you may have been involved with around the event. This could be doctors, friends or even coworkers. This will need to be both the phone numbers and the post office box numbers.

Then you will also need to give them copies of both your lab work and any current tax forms. Do not be frightened if you do not know if you should go further if you are having trouble getting the documents you need, the social security office will actually help you find all that you need.

When it comes to the actual disability application itself there are some ways that you can actually save yourself a lot of headache down the road. For starters the easiest way to file is by going to eh social security website and filing online. The best aspect about doing it this way is that if you run into any problems you can save it and come back to it later.

One set back that some people have to taking this route is that they feel once they get approved they will never be able to go back to any kind of work again and this is not true either. The Social Security Department has programs that will help assist you in testing to see if you can rejoin the workforce.

In the end whether it is the disability application, or trying to get back to work, the experience of disability is not where you may want to be but at the same time it is reassuring to know that it is there waiting to help you.

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