
How To Get More Done In Less Time: 7 Tips To Make Things Happen

By Lachlan Haynes

Sometimes it appears as though only those 'destined' for success are the only ones among us who ever truly accomplish their goals. We all know the type: those who always have things done perfectly and nearly always ahead of time, all while we're still scrambling to figure out how to start. You may even feel as though 'productivity' is mere fantasy, terminology created in the world of business to help measure the bottom line and get their workers churning out more, quickly and without mistakes. Productivity, however, is far more than you realize (it's deep, man!) When you're productive, you are actually living the distinction between being a spectator on the sidelines of your own life vs. jumping in and making things happen! If you never rise up from off of your behind, you'll never live your goals, will you? You think that a world where you can get everything done that you've set out to do is just some far-fetched dreamland? Think again! We are all endowed with the ability to truly engage ourselves in order to get the right things done - things that will put us in the direct path of our dreams (the beginning of the first one submitted is part of this last paragraph). All it takes is the right mindset and energy directed toward a few great tips and tricks! This brings us to the tips and tricks part! Below you'll find Seven Principles of Productivity to aid you on your quest to maximizing your 'self', and rising to the occasion!

1. Break the bias towards inaction. What's the most common reason stuff doesn't get done? Well, because we don't do anything! Wow, what a breakthrough! If you have a bias towards inaction then nothing will get done. Ground-breaking stuff isn't it? And yet, action is always the most elusive part. Why? Well, we tend to get bogged down in things like preparing, planning and then dreaming (that it was much easier!) Eventually, we must challenge ourselves to take action. Because the minute that you start acting (e.g. starting your assignment or studying for a test) is the same minute that you start finishing. Don't think about it, do it!

2. Take small steps. As mentioned in step one, this is essential into getting you up and moving and on board the action packed train. The problem with working for one big goal is it can become overwhelming very quickly to think about. For example, you have to take a test and need to study for it. If you sit down in front of a 400 page text book, you immediately feel the rise of anxiety on your chest and the fear of failure lingering nearby. You may think "I will never get through all of this!" and at that point, most people feel the stress overwhelming them and they give up. What if you took one small step at a time? You sat down and said, "I am going to read one chapter right now", and that was it; nothing further, nothing more. You would read your one chapter and then take a break to do something else. Then later, you will come back and read the next chapter and repeat the process. Before you know it, you have read that whole book with little to no stress and especially no looming feelings of doom. You did it! It just takes one small step. If you know where you want to go or where you want to be, it doesn't have to be a race to get there.

3. Screw up. A LOT. The best way to learn the right way to do anything is to have stumbled through and learned all the wrong ways. No one is keeping score, so it isn't necessary to beat yourself up if you didn't get something right the first time. We must fall before learning to stand - observe an infant learning to walk for the first time. They have no problem with falling, over and over again. Eventually, those bruised up knees will permanently stand a few inches off of the floor once they learn to walk! Feeling as though we need to master everything on the first try is a MAJOR barrier to achievement. Stop feeling blue over your trials and errors; get up, think to yourself, "OK, lesson learned", and try something else. Sooner or later, you'll have all the ins and outs down and you'll be unstoppable!

4. Define your target, and stick to it. It is hard to get where you want to be and be productive without having a set objective in mind. This can be anything from a small target such as learning 5 new French words a day for a week, or something a little bigger like losing 30 pounds of weight in 3 months. Both goals are the same even if they differ in length or objective. Both require daily productivity and focus for them to be achieved. When you start your new target it is essential you define it and track your progress so you can celebrate when you reach your goal.

5. Develop a routine. Consistent action is dynamite. Why? Well it explodes your outcomes. If you read for 20 minutes each day you for a year you will have read for 7300 minutes. That's over 120 hours! That's a lot of reading - and it's also a great lesson on why it's incredibly important to maintain momentum. The important thing isn't how much you do - it's how often you do it. It's true that routines can seem boring and uninspiring, but - on the contrary - they create a foundation for getting what you want.

6. Practice saying no. Your energy and focus levels are not infinite so you need to make sure you're making the best use of your time. Friends and family members may not necessarily want to get done what you want to get done and it's very easy to let them get in the way of your ambition (not in a bad way!) As such, it's important to politely let them know that you have some stuff to do and when you're done you'll consider their request to waste your time (in a nice way of course). This doesn't mean not having friends (or family!) but it does mean picking your moments and knowing when no really does need to mean no.

7. Keep in mind that rules are made to be broken. Keep in mind that all of these tips here are just tips. They won't fit each person like a glove. We are all unique and share different struggles. If the routine you have chosen isn't working for you, don't stress about it! Tomorrow is always a new day and you get a clean slate to start with. Tweak your routine as needed so it fits your life. The one important rule that cannot be broken is that you must do something! The more days you waste doing nothing the further away you are from where you want to be. Think positively, follow what works for you, and always keep your head held high. You will achieve what you put your mind to!

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