
Top 3 Ways To Cure Swim Bladder Disease In Cichlid Fish Favorites

By Boh Chang Min

Every Cichlid keeper who desires to be successful must take time to understand the anatomy of the pets. This will help them understand the probable body part that is affected in case of any abnormal behavior by the livestock. When mobility of fishes is impossible in an upright position, it is an indication that the swim bladder is affected. For you to use the top 3 ways to cure swim bladder disease in Cichlid fish, you need to know the cause of the condition.

It is normal for aggressive fishes to fight over territorial supremacy. This happens when different vicious species occupy the same territory. Things get worse when such fishes are kept in the same aquarium. Some Cichlids can get serious injuries on the swim bladders during such fights and may die if not taken care of. They will exhibit difficulties in swimming by floating or remaining at the bottom of the tank.

Another thing that causes complications on the swim bladders of fishes is ingestion of dry food. It is common for pet owners to feed them with floating foods. While this may be easy to do, it has serious implications on the digestive tract of Cichlids. The intestines easily get blocked and become irritable. This encourages bacteria and viruses to attack the pets. Unfortunately such infections are identified at a later stage when the pathogens have greatly affected the organism and thus requires quick action.

Sometimes this disease may be genetically instigated. The desire for breeders to produce colorful breeds can result to species with deformed swim bladders. Such Cichlids appear normal but are adversely affected by mild problems like constipation which other fishes can easily overcome. Also, egg bound females are susceptible to this condition.

Fishes that have suffered physical injuries need to be separated from the others and kept in a hospital tank where they can be monitored closely as they recover. Normally, such are expected to heal naturally without the use of medication. However, you need to be careful and make sure that the pet does not acquire secondary infection from the new environment.

If your pets have contracted bacterial infections or have been infested with parasites, check what you have been feeding them with. It is possible that they have been eating dry food. Start soaking the food before feeding the fishes. You can use medicated food as well to control the infection. Including peas in the diet can also help you combat this ailment successfully.

Surgery is ranked among the top 3 ways to cure swim bladder disease in Cichlid fish. It is used to treat complications resulting from deformation or serious injuries. Sometimes the surgeon can decide to use a needle to suck the air in the bladder until the Cichlid heals completely. This is applied on serious cases which may not require corrective surgery.

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